Root Canal Therapy in Brampton

Root canal therapy is a common dental procedure that is performed to save a severely decayed or infected tooth. The treatment involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth, which is then cleaned and sealed. At Castle Oaks Dentistry in Brampton, we offer advanced root canal therapy to help our patients save their teeth and maintain their oral health.

The pulp of a tooth contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue that help to nourish and protect the tooth. However, if the pulp becomes infected or damaged due to decay or trauma, it can cause severe pain and discomfort. In addition, if left untreated, the infection can spread to the surrounding teeth and gums, leading to further oral health problems.

How to Treat?

Root canal therapy is the most effective way to treat an infected or damaged tooth and prevent further complications. The procedure involves several steps, including:

Examination and diagnosis: The first step in root canal therapy is a comprehensive examination and diagnosis by one of our experienced dentists. We will examine your tooth and take X-rays to determine the extent of the damage and whether root canal therapy is necessary.

Numbing the tooth: Once we have determined that root canal therapy is necessary, we will numb the area around the tooth to ensure that you are comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure.

Removing the damaged pulp: Using specialized instruments, we will remove the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth. This process is performed carefully and gently to ensure that the surrounding tissues are not damaged.

Cleaning and shaping the root canals: After removing the pulp, we will clean and shape the root canals to ensure that they are free of bacteria and debris. This helps to prevent further infection and ensures that the tooth is properly sealed.

Sealing the tooth: Once the root canals are cleaned and shaped, we will fill them with a special material called gutta-percha, which helps to seal the tooth and prevent further infection. In some cases, we may also place a temporary filling to protect the tooth until a permanent filling or crown can be placed.

Restoring the tooth: After root canal therapy is complete, we will restore the tooth to its original shape and function. This may involve placing a filling or crown to protect the tooth and ensure that it can function properly.

At Castle Oaks Dentistry, we use advanced technology and techniques to ensure that root canal therapy is performed safely and effectively. Our dentists have years of experience in performing root canal therapy and are committed to ensuring that our patients receive the highest quality care.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

There are several benefits of root canal therapy, including:

Pain relief: Root canal therapy can provide immediate pain relief and prevent further discomfort caused by an infected or damaged tooth.

Saving the tooth: Root canal therapy can help to save a severely decayed or infected tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted.

Improved oral health: By removing the infected or damaged pulp, root canal therapy can help to prevent the spread of infection and protect the surrounding teeth and gums.

Restoring function: After root canal therapy is complete, the tooth can be restored to its original function, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

Cost-effective: Root canal therapy is a cost-effective way to save a damaged or infected tooth, as it is often less expensive than having the tooth extracted and replaced with a dental implant or bridge.

Contact us

If you are experiencing tooth pain or discomfort, it is important to seek dental care as soon as possible. At Castle Oaks Dentistry in Brampton, we offer advanced root canal therapy to help our patients save their teeth and maintain their oral health. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced dentists and learn more about how we can help you achieve optimal dental.


The length of time for a root canal therapy procedure can vary depending on the severity of the tooth damage and other factors. In general, a typical root canal therapy can take about 1-2 hours to complete. However, multiple appointments may be required for complex cases.
Contrary to popular belief, root canal therapy is generally not painful. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, which numbs the affected area and prevents discomfort during the procedure. After the procedure, some mild discomfort or sensitivity may be experienced, but this can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications.
If left untreated, a damaged or infected tooth can lead to further oral health problems, including the spread of infection to surrounding teeth and gums. Eventually, the tooth may need to be extracted, which can result in more extensive dental treatments to restore function and aesthetics.
After a root canal therapy procedure, it is recommended to wait until the anesthesia wears off before eating to prevent accidental biting of the affected area. Soft foods and liquids are recommended for the first few days after the procedure to avoid putting pressure on the tooth.
Maintaining good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing, can help prevent tooth decay and reduce the risk of needing a root canal therapy. Additionally, regular dental checkups and cleanings can help detect early signs of tooth decay and prevent the need for more extensive dental treatments.

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